How is Us

Microfinance institutions (MFIs) often focus on serving marginalized populations, such as women, rural communities, and those living in poverty. They aim to provide financial inclusion and empowerment to individuals who may not have access to formal banking institutions.


To provide access to financial services, such as credit, savings, and insurance, to low-income individuals and underserved communities in order to promote financial inclusion, alleviate poverty, empower entrepreneurs, and foster economic development.


At our microfinance institution, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of service integrity in all our operations


By embodying these values in our microfinance operations, we aim to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable financial ecosystem that empowers individuals and drives positive change in society

What we stand for


Responsibility in microfinance involves ensuring that financial services are provided in a transparent, ethical, and sustainable manner.


Quality service in microfinance involves providing financial products and services that meet the needs of clients in a responsible, transparent, and efficient manner. Here are some key components of quality service in microfinance:


Supportiveness of microfinance staff is a critical component of quality service delivery in the microfinance sector. Here are some key reasons why supportiveness of staff is important:

About Aijji Edir

The objective of microfinance is to provide financial services, such as credit, savings, and insurance, to low-income individuals and small businesses who do not have access to traditional banking services. This is done with the goal of promoting financial inclusion, poverty alleviation, and economic empowerment for marginalized populations

. Chief Executive Officer


. Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)


Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Head of Human Resources (HR)


Head of Human Resources (HR)

Our Supporters

Inverness McKenzie

Inverness McKenzie

Business Owner

Support us in our mission to empower underserved communities through microfinance, creating opportunities for financial inclusion and sustainable livelihoods for those in need.

Hanson Deck

Hanson Deck

Independent Artist

Support us in our mission to empower underserved communities through microfinance, creating opportunities for financial inclusion and sustainable livelihoods for those in need.

Natalya Undergrowth

Natalya Undergrowth


Support us in our mission to empower underserved communities through microfinance, creating opportunities for financial inclusion and sustainable livelihoods for those in need.


Board meeting

Nuti Dambii Ittiin Bulmaata Walda Walgargaarsa Ijoolee Jaju jedhame kana kan qopheeffanne godinaalee Oromiyaa adda addaa irraa walitti dhiyaachuun magaalaa Adaamaa fi naannawwaa Adaamaa, magaalaa Finfinee fi Naannawa Finfinneetti hojii mootumaa fi dhuunfaa irratti bobba’uun Read more…

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Strada Povernei, nr 20, Bucharest, Romania

Give us a ring

John Doe +40 712 345 678 Mon – Fri, 8:00-22:00

Contact Us
